Internet & Media

SEA internet marketing

Internet & Media courses and courses:

3D design (38)
Adobe After Effects (28)
Adobe Illustrator Basic (75)
Adobe Illustrator Advanced (10)
Adobe InDesign Basic (78)
Adobe InDesign Advanced (8)
Adobe (Macromedia) Dreamweaver (20)
Adobe Photoshop Basic (95)
Adobe Photoshop Advanced (12)
Adobe Premiere (18)
Apple Final Cut Pro / Express (4)
ASP (.NET) (42)
Blogging (4)
Cameraman (16)
Concepting (19)
Content management (CMS) (10)
Desktop Publishing (DTP) (31)
(Digital) Photography (67)
E-commerce (41)
Facebook (5)
Front-end web development (27)
Graphic Design (16)
Internet (8)
Instagram (11)
Interaction design (24)
Java (4)
JavaScript & AJAX (138)
Journalism (35)
PHP (55)
Ruby (on Rails) (16)
Writing for the web (107)
Social Media (251)
SQL (329)
Video Editing (67)
Video / Camera (92)
Vlogging (24)
Design (9)
Web 2.0 (1)
Web Design (60)
Web Development (124)
WordPress (113)
(X) HTML & CSS (127)
XML / XSLT (36)
YouTube (8)
Internet marketing (14)
Advertise search engine (SEA) (71)


The Internet is a worldwide public network of computer networks, the arrangements of which are described in the Request for Comments managed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. In order to make the internet work properly, agreements have been made about protocols for data exchange between computers. One of those protocols is the Internet Protocol (IP).

The origins of the internet can be traced back to ARPANET, a military network built in the United States in 1969, which was later made suitable for general use from American universities. The internet has now become a global phenomenon, which has acquired the character of a mass medium. One of the success factors is mentioned that the entire Internet is owned by no one, while the physical parts do have an owner.

In everyday usage, the Internet often refers to the World Wide Web, but that is just one of many services that can be used over the Internet. Other well-known services are e-mail, IP telephony, FTP and Usenet.

Internet marketing

Internet marketing or online marketing is a form of marketing products and services via the internet. Online marketing includes internet advertising, as well as less direct forms of marketing, such as search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, content marketing, viral marketing and social media marketing. In recent years, advertising and marketing via the internet has become the largest advertising market.

Two important pillars of today’s online marketing are: search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEA). SEO optimizes a website to be found in the organic (unpaid) part of the search engines. SEA uses the paid channels of the search engines, such as: Google Adwords, Bing Advertising and Google Shopping.

The word internet

The term internet was originally an adjective, which is an abbreviation of internetworking, that is to say: connecting networks. This term can already be found in the original specification of TCP / IP, the basic Internet protocol, from 1974. [1] For example, they talked about internet mail and internet traffic. Here, the Internet meant: working with TCP / IP, and it was a feature that was occasionally used on some specific purpose computer networks, in addition to the facilities of the computer network itself.

The emergence of a large and explosively growing global network of computers connected via TCP / IP led to the term “internet” referring to that particular network, and around 1990 it became the official name for that network, a noun, usually with article and capitalized. In the following years, all other forms of computer networks were pushed to the periphery and the internet grew into a general facility such as TV, radio and telephone. The origin of the facility and its name disappeared into the background.

Risks of the Internet

The advance of computer networks also has its negative sides:

  • The numerous connections allow viruses and spyware to spread quickly. Frequently used systems, such as Windows and Android, are targeted more often.
  • Personal data is often poorly secured and therefore easily accessible to unauthorized persons, which has consequences for the privacy of individuals.
  • Once shared information on the internet is difficult to remove.
  • The internet gives a sense of anonymity, which is reason for some people to react more extreme than usual.
  • As in the physical world, the internet also suffers from vandals. A good example of this are the “script kiddies”.
  • Undesirable information, such as an explosives manufacturing manual, can also be easily disseminated.
  • The Internet has indirectly contributed to a huge growth in the number of servers that provide services over the Internet and are increasingly demanding electricity to power the electronics and cooling. A data center can consume as much energy as a factory.

It is hoped to fix some of the above issues by developing new protocols with improved authentication and stronger encryption. An example of this is AS2. Developing more economical computer chips and more efficient software should slow down the electricity consumption of servers.

Weblog or blog

A weblog or blog is a personal diary on a website that is kept regularly, sometimes several times a day. Usually these are texts that appear in chronological order. The author, also called a blogger, actually provides a log of information that he wants to communicate to his audience, the visitors to his weblog. Usually it concerns text, but sometimes also photos (a photo blog), video (vlog) or audio (podcast). Weblogs often offer their readers the option to post comments (anonymously or otherwise) below the posts or leave a comment via a Trackback mechanism.

It is the personal or specialized character that makes weblogs interesting for visitors. For the blogger on the other hand, a weblog provides a platform for expressing an opinion or passion that one has and to earn money through advertisements or sponsorships.

Microblogging has been popular since late 2006, combining blogging and instant messaging. The most famous website for this is Twitter. Clones exist, such as Tumblr.